Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fedoroff Response


Nina Fedoroff believes genetically modified foods are doing more then they are harm on American society. She believes that genetically modified foods are in fact healthy. She points to research done by the European Union, and the FDA and even independent scientific research. Fedoroff feels that genetically engineered foods are more profitable for the farmers then organic foods. She points out that farmers are still using genetically engineered seeds, because the produce a better yield then the organic seeds.

I agree with what Federoff has to say about genetically modified foods being safe to eat. We have been genetically modifying food for thousands of years now. "Omnivores Dilemma" pointed out how corn was genetically modified from a strain of Mexican grass. It took hundreds of years, but eventually the Aztecs were able to genetically modify corn from grass. That is to this day the greatest feat of genetic modification in the history of Humanity. It is also absolutely true that foods that are genetically modified on the molecular level are just as safe as foods that are genetically modified through breeding methods. However is the safety of genetically modified foods the real issue here.

The real problem with genetically modified foods is the politics behind these foods. Genetically modified foods may be producing more profits for these farmers on the surface, and the corporations, like Monsanto, producing these foods, and patenting the formulas for these genetic modifications. As we saw in "Food INC" farmers can no longer reuse their seeds. These corporations have patented these seeds to the point that farmers can't even use the seeds that their crops produce. The farmers have become completely dependent upon Monsanto. Monsanto now control over ninety percent of the soybean market.

When she talks about how regulation would help the little gain traction amongst the super size corporations like Monsanto; she is being to broad with her assessment. Certain regulations crush the "little guy." These patents need to be addressed. I don't understand how it is legal for Monsanto to do what they do. Monsanto doesn't only force soybean farmers to become dependent on their products; they actively look to bankrupt farmers with lawsuits. Monsanto sends people, who resemble the thugs Al Capone would use to perform hits; to investigate farmers to find out is they are trying to save their seeds. Not only that, but also these thugs also does immense harm to farmers who aren't even growing soybeans.

When I lived In Missouri I knew of farmers who were bankrupted, because seeds blew over from nearby fields and started growing on their land. The thugs who work for Monsanto found their crops growing on their land and immediately brought lawsuits against these farmers. These farmers did absolutely nothing wrong, and they are being put out of business because of the hundred plus mile per hour winds in the state of Missouri.

If our food industry weren't this political business that it is we would not have these problems. Genetically modified foods created the politics we have to deal with, and maybe that is something we should consider. 

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